• Simply Easter...Give Me a Sign!

    Close Encounters Ministries

  • Simply Easter...Give Me a Sign!

    His-Story is as fresh as the day it happened!

    Celebrate Easter with familiar folks who discover the 'signs' of Easter as they meet first century people who were there the day Jesus changed history!

    People were in shock.  Once a young man walked among them, loved them, healed their hurts and gave them hope.  It was an exciting time to be alive.  Rumor had it that after Jesus died on a Roman cross He did the impossible.  He was ALIVE again after three days!  Shoe me a sign!

    NOW WHAT?  Since that third day, we believe God had a PLAN when He sent Jesus to our world.

    After the Show: The Egg-Stravanganza Party!  Invite everyone to an 'egg-citing' gathering with food, fun and Easter joy!


    MUSIC: Sing favorite Easter Carols and add special music.

    Want to see the program before you decide?  Click on this link to PREVIEW the entire program in a read only version.  CHOOSE BETWEEN HAVING THE MASTER COPY SHIPPED IN A THREE RING VINYL WORKBOOK OR ...


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    NEED HELP? Ellen is waiting by the phone. She's our 'go to' gal with the friendly voice. She's waiting to hear from you today. Call her today TOLL FREE: 1-888-236-5433.

  • $24.99

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