Close Encounters Ministries

  • Written and produced by Glory Sound Studios, Winston-Salem, NC, our own Jonathan Miller presents exciting and meaningful songs that are easy to learn and easy to teach for "THE CHRISTMAS BELLS..What's So Great About Christmas?"

    THE MUSIC PACKAGE INCLUDES a split track CD (Sample voice + accompaniment only) for 3 original songs, piano sheet music for each song and Words Only sheets to copy for teaching sessions! One surprise bonus track is included just for fun!

    Listen to the music before purchasing as a wonderful addition to your CHRISTMAS BELLS production. Choose the songs that work for your group. Each song is designed to be repetitive for easy use by younger groups and yet inviting for older students. If desired, choose small groups to learn individual songs instead of involving the entire cast.

    Insert the melodies anywhere in the program that fits your needs the best. Add your own special music and Christmas Carols as desired to round out the musical portion of THE CHRISTMAS BELLS.

    A bonus track is included just for fun to use as desired for the Bell family. Play the track at appropriate times before, during or after the program. Or, teach the "Ding, Ding, Dong!" song to a trio as desired.

    Want to order both the music and the program?  Click here and order at the bottom of The Christmas Bells Program page.

    To ORDER  Bed Bethlehem and Beyond Melodies, use the pull down menu below to choose which option will work best for you.

    (Items that are to be shipped will have the shipping and handling added at check out.)

  • $9.99

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