Close Encounters Ministries

  • THE JUNGLE BIRD is a five day adventure designed to last fifteen minutes each day. Each chapter ends at an exciting point encouraging students to return the next day and discover how each situation is resolved. The story book comes complete with script and large black and white line drawings suitable for coloring by the leader.

    It is "truer than true" that Chip and Clare are going to fly from their home in Shadow River, Massachusettes to a remote African village with their missionary grandmother. They experience a photo safari, meet interesting natives and face a bit of danger too. Dr. David Moore, old friend of Gramanda's, meets them and becomes tour guide and friend to the trio.

    Old African friends greet the twins and their grandmother and soon the twins are in the middle of another mystery. It seems a dangerous Jungle Bird, called "Ju-Ju-Bay" by the villagers, keeps threatening anyone who comes in contact with it. Of course, the local witch doctor uses their fears to his advantage but no one, not even the twins, can figure out why the bird keeps EATING people. No way!!!! Oh, and there's a wedding too!

    You are going to laugh, I know you will, when you discover the answer to this mystery. But, don't tell anyone! It will keep kids and teachers coming back every day to hear what happens next. And don't think I'M going to tell you...forget about it!

    Want to read THE JUNGLE BIRD before you purchase?  Simply click on PREVIEW and you can read the entire story.

    Back to Going Bananas (Wildly Exciting).

  • $16.95

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